
OUT: book 'Volle Pulle ins Verderben' by Klaus Maeck

"Bring your cassette recorders onto the streets - you can't make a revolution with home organs!"

Klaus Maeck's memories and stories take us on a wild ride - from the bourgeois idyll of Hamburg's suburbs to the punk record shop in the Karoviertel, to his encounters with Einstürzende Neubauten and William S. Burroughs and the resulting films, as well as to sometimes surreal trips to Morocco, Latin America and China. The eleven texts in this book are only partly autobiographical, and the transitions to fiction are deliberately not always recognisable. The stories are illustrated with his own paintings and collages as well as a poem. 


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OUT: album 'Görlitzer Park' by K.I.Z.

Who would have thought that K.I.Z. would become so sentimental and let us look deep into their own biographies. With 'Görlitzer Park', Maxim, Tarek and Nico strike an unusually subtle note; brutal punchlines that normally send listeners into a limbo between sarcasm and tastelessness are barely audible. But it's still deep, honest and painful. Because K.I.Z. show us a world in the middle of our society that the fun society is only too happy to close its eyes to and once again teach us not to always see everything in black and white. 'Görtlitzer Park' is co-produced by Freibank's Shuko and Basti Völkel!


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OUT: album 'Clouds Of War' by Yishai Sweartz x Mona Mur

Yishai Sweartz of Tomorrow’s Rain and Berlin-based singer/composer Mona Mur just released a new album via Soleilmoon Recordings. Titled 'Clouds Of War', the album is inspired by the life of Sweartz’s grandfather, Moshe Szniecki, a WWII Partisan. The music includes spoken word and experimental arrangements.

Yishai explains in the press release that 'Clouds Of War' emerged from the compelling stories in his grandfather’s diary. During WWII, Moshe left his hometown at 17 after his family was murdered. He survived by joining a Partisan group in the Belarusian forests. He later settled in Israel, living peacefully until his death at 94. Yishai explains further: “During World War II, 17-year-old Moshe Szniecki left his hometown when all other members of his family were murdered by Nazi hordes. In the depths of the Belarusian forests, Moshe joined a Partisan group and fought boldly. Guided by what he called ‘The Codes of the Woods,’ Moshe survived.” He made it to Israel, married, and had a family with his wife Hanna and two daughters. He died peacefully at 94, at ease with himself. He survived.”

“To me, music is a sacred art form. You can transmit and connect on a level of empathy. Violence, cruelty, greed, ego, hate, contempt, hostility dissolve for a fleeting moment that still might change things profoundly,” explains Mona Mur reflecting on the conceptual side of the collaboration that lead to the release of 'Clouds of War'. “What is the right look at the atrocities of war, holocaust, genocide ? Moshe Shnitzki, 17 years old, had to transform in a split second, in order to survive, from a pious teenage boy into a warrior. Fight back or die, head into the deep dark forest, leave a civilization that failed to rise up to its proper meaning. And survive. How does that feel, how does that sound ? This is what 'Clouds of War' is about.”


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New signing: Aron Henschel

Tremendous Aron’s journey as a composer and producer began in his teens when his love for HipHop led him into the world of Jazz while searching for samples. He then honed his craft studying Jazz-drum set and piano at the conservatory in Leipzig, Germany while always staying closely connected to the developments in production techniques within other forms of black American music. Since 2016 he’s a touring musician highlights being: Supporting Earth, Wind & Fire on their Germany tour (with the band 'Footprint Project') and playing at the Leipziger Jazztage with his own material in 2022.


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New signing: Robert Alen

Robert Alan was born in a bouncy castle. His mother is the big bang. His father is deaf. Robert Alan always wanted to be a comedian. Even before he could speak, he told his first jokes. But nobody understood them back then. Nevertheless, Robert Alan is now a pretty good-looking, extremely funny, incredibly charming, very modest entertainer who hasn't written his own press releases for a long time. I simply don't have the time these days.


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OUT: album 'The World Before Commercialism' by Pink Elln

This is the second release of Pink Elln's (Tobias Freund) archive material from 1988 to 1991. All tracks have never been published before. Recorded on a recently bought DAT recorder back than and made with a Roland MC-500 as a sequencer, and Akai S-950, Casio CZ-101 and Roland TR 808 as instruments. 


Mark Chung speaks at AIMP 2024

The Association of Independent Music Publishers (AIMP) Global Music Publishing Summit (GMPS) is taking place on June 11 at the 3 West Club in New York City. Since the first Summit in 2017, the event has brought together songwriters, music publishers, rights organizations, record labels, DSPs, and more. The agenda spans Creators, Business of Publishing, and the International Marketplace to deliver a well-rounded and informative experience to attendees across all facets of the industry.


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Manana selected for Spotify Radar 2024

Excited to announce that Manana has been selected as one of the artists for Spotify Radar Program 2024! Congratulations to everyone involved!

